When my number is called, the system immediately replies with "the number is not available." Why?
When my number is called, the system immediately replies with "the number is not available" without the line actually ringing.
Check the account CP to verify the device connected to the number is registering with the system. Next to the number you will see a line containing: Registration expires @ ... UA Type: type of SIP device.
-If the registration line is missing, the device is not connecting to the system and therefore it will not receive calls. Thus the system will immediately detect the lack of registration and reply with the "person is not available to take your call at this time". In such case, the device is either offline because it is turned it off or there is a problem with it. If the device is not off, the connection to the network should be checked as well as the device configuration settings should be reviewed. A network may be in order.
-If the registration line is present, the following needs to be verified:
a. check call forwarding-CF for that number. If CF is set to "Send immediately to my voice mail" the system will immediately send the call to VM. The send to VM call forwarding option neds to be removed in order for the device to receive calls normally.
b. the device is having connection issues where the registration interval is so long that the device is offline and the control panel registration is still present. The device registration interval needs to be changed to 300 seconds or 5 minutes.
c. the device has problems with the router, NAT issues:
If the router lost connection to the Internet, most routers will flash for an instant and have to reconnect to the attached devices. As a connection is re-established the router will block outside connections to an internal device unless the internal device makes contact first.
Please consider forwarding the device's ports on the router so it will not cut off your SIP device from outside connections.
If you reboot the SIP device, it establishes contact with the SIP server and then the router opens up that link and allows two way communication between the devices. If the router looses contact with the SIP device, then when the SIP server tries to make contact with the device, the router blocks the connection, hence busy signal.
As with all NAT sessions unless you have port forwarding setup the sessions need to be established from the inside. The problem is if the router resets or has an issue then any existing sessions normally get forgotten about and thus dropped. The SIP protocol deals with this by having a reregistration period.
At InPhonex this reregistration period is 5 minutes or 300 seconds. This normally means that if the SIP device is working correctly and the router does lose its information then the SIP device should fix that issue within 5 minutes.
Putting the SIP in the DMZ on your router should fix this problem as well.
Note, the system will allow IP to IP calling without registration/authentication. The system will not allow incoming or outgoing PSTN calls without proper device connection to the system.