In most cases InPhonex lets you keep your existing phone number even if you're moving out of the area code where your phone number is located. Make the move to InPhonex and get all the features you used to have to pay for ... FREE. Call waiting, three way calling, Voicemail and many more features are included free with every InPhonex account.
Find out if you can switch your number (land line or cell) to InPhonex by entering it into the availability selector to the right and we'll instantly tell you if your number is transferable.
Keep in mind that if your phone number is connected to your DSL connection, you need to take additional steps to transfer your number to us. If you want to keep your DSL connection, check with your current phone service provider to see if they offer "naked DSL". If so, they can unbundle your phone number from your DSL service allowing you to transfer the number without problem. If your current provider does not offer that service, check with your local cable company as most cable operators offer higher speed Internet connections at a more competitive price.
Existing InPhonex Customers, please Contact us for instructions how to port numbers into your existing account.
- Choose our LiteLine service, our US/Canada Unlimited plan or the World Unlimited plan.
- Once you have completed your order, you will be asked if you would like to keep your phone number.
- Complete the online forms and follow the instructions to transfer your phone number to InPhonex.
In some instances, we may not be able to transfer your number. In this case you can choose a new incoming number with the area code of your choice.
The transfer process can take up to 30 days, depending on your local phone company.
During the number transfer process, we provide you a temporary number so that you can begin to use our service and all its free features immediately. Then, when your number is transferred, we'll inform you via email and your number will be transferred seamlessly.
Contact InPhonex Customer Support through our Help Desk or by calling 1-866-349-7338 or 305-728-4647 (international customers).
- Please place an order for a number from the same country you wish to port an existing number. Once you receive our response email stating that your international number order is provisioned and account is open, please forward this email to stating the specific number you wish to port.
- You will receive a reply from our International Local Number Porting Department, verifying that the number is portable and will be provided with the specific documents required by the porting country to port your international number to InPhonex.
- Updates on the porting process can be sent to
Note that international porting may take 30 days to complete, after all documentation has been verified and accepted by the country involved.
- Please see our list of countries that can port numbers to InPhonex and the associated porting fee for each number.
1. What is the cost of porting a number?
There is a setup fee of $19.95 for US or Canada numbers. Setup fees vary for international countries.
2. Where can I port my number from?
US, Canada and 21 international countries.
3. How can I check if my number is portable?
The order form includes an ‘auto’ check/ update from the system. Orders that are not portable will be flagged as such during the order process. International numbers can be checked by emailing with the phone number you wish to port.
4. How do I port a number to replace an existing DID number?
Email for instructions. International DIDs email for instructions.
5. How long does the process take?
Up to 30 days from the date we receive all requested information.
6. Can I port a toll-free number?
Yes, place an order for a toll free number and email the order number and number you will port and they will return an LOA and further instructions.
7. Can I port multiple numbers at the same time?
No, you must submit them individually. However, if you are going to port more than 25, we can discuss discounts.
8. Is the port fee refundable in the event my number is not ported?
Yes, unless you haven’t provided all requested information such as LOA and copy of phone bill.
9. When can I cancel my current number?
Only once you have received conformation from us that your number has been ported successfully.
10. How do I start the process?
New customers should place an order for a plan that includes a US/Canada DID phone number from Existing customers should place an order for a plan that includes a US/Canada DID phone number from the "Place Order" link within your Control Panel. International ports, click here.
11. Why is my number not portable?
Number porting requires interaction between carriers and in some cases, your current provider might not be able to port numbers out. In addition, in some regions (usually rural areas), our footprint does not include the ability to port numbers due to infrastructure and carrier partnerships.
12. What is required to port my number to InPhonex?
In order to port your number we will need a copy of the LOA (Letter of authorization, sent at the time of the order) Signed and dated. We will also require proof of ownership of the number. This is most commonly found in the form of a phone bill (no later than 30 days old). Be sure your proof of ownership shows your name, Address, and the Telephone number being ported. Also be sure that the information on the bill matches the information on the Letter of authorization. Documents required for international ports vary from country to country.
13. What can cause delays in my porting
Porting can take up to 30 days on a clear and correct order. There are several factors that can affect the port time of your order. The primary cause of delay is invalid information. Check with your current provider to be sure you are providing us with the correct Name, Address, and Billing telephone number for your order. Sometimes the provider has things listed differently in their system then you think. Another common cause for delay is outdated proof of ownership; please be sure that the LOA and bill are both dated within 30 days.
14. My provider says the info is correct, but I am still being rejected. What can I do?
Please contact your current carrier and request a copy of your “CSR”(customer service record). They are required by law to give this to you, and the CSR is the magic key to all things LNP.